Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Here I am again, sitting before this computer, headphones on, cigarette dangling from my lips and beer at hand, but the words refuse to find the page.
I know a man who proudly served his country, and fought tirelessly to make it a better place.

I know a many who cared so deeply for his friends and family that he would give up anything for them.

I know a man whose life, along with five others, came to an abrupt end on a stormy night in December.

I know a mam whose memory will be carried on by all who met him, and many who did not, including this sad writer.
As the engines of the aircraft kicked in, for the first time in my life, I found myself saying a prayer to whoever would listen, and wondered if all in my life, including those that I rarely see, know how important they are to me.
Tooth pain is fucking debilitating.
I can feel her in my arms at the end of the day, even when she is sleeping in a distant bed. Her skin is on my fingertips, her aroma fills my nose, and my love longs for her. If only I could verbalize those feelings in the moments we are together.
It is not my home, and, the argument could be made that it never really was, but I feel alive in our nations capital.
I want to watch you sleep again; moments spent together in total silence, me, you, and my dreams of the life we could share.
The stress associated with December depresses me . . . where is my fat jolly man to make it all better?