Thursday, June 12, 2008

You are the light at the end of my dark tunnel

I fear that my overbearing presence has trampled your dreams; that you will one day look back on your life with regret because I dominated it. I have never had anybody be dependent on my existence, and that intimidates me. What happens if it doesn’t work out; if I choose a path that leads to a life of unfullfillment? I worry that you were meant for something more than this……than me. The thought of clipping your wings and making you less of an asset to this world than you are meant to be paralyzes me.

I want nothing more than for you to tell me that this will all work out, that we will continue to be as happy tomorrow as I perceive us to be today; but again, that would be me laying the weight of my selfish single-mindedness on your shoulders. It is not your job to placate my demons, you are more important than that. I fell in love with you because of your passion for life, and want nothing more than to continue to see that fire rage. So, as we reach our next cross-road, please be honest with me—and regardless of how I react, I want you to stand by your desires, for, at the end of the day, it is more important for me to have you shine that it is for me to get what is easy.

1 comment:

quin browne said...

truth is erotic... sharing truth with one who holds your heart is...
