Thursday, September 18, 2008

Good, I guess....

The question was simple: “what word defines you?” As he sat, reflecting on his life, all he could summon was the word Good (definition: “serving the desired purpose or end; suitable”). He was a Good student; a Good husband, brother, son; a Good friend; and, as far as he could tell, a Good employee. But what he was not—painful as it was to digest—was Great (definition: “remarkable or outstanding in magnitude, degree, or extent”). In that moment, he felt his life squandered, for people are inherently Good (i.e., suitable), but only a select few are Great. It is those individuals that make the world better, the rest . . . they just make it a more palatable place to exist.


quin browne said...

the word that defines you is remarkable.

good is good, but, remarkable is great.

Anonymous said...

I've generally found those who describe themselves as great to be mediocre.

Anonymous said...

Nicely written.
My Word is Writer.
For better or worse.

What is yours?

Alone on the Isle said...

My Word is Worker
Not sure how that makes me feel, but it is what it is....

quin browne said...

my word is eclectic.