Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sunday Scribblings

This week’s word is Forbidden

Dear Diary,

Dad is the greatest! I know I didn’t always feel this way. That I have spent a good deal of time complaining about not being allowed to attend school, play sports, make friends, or even leave the four walls of this house, but I see now that I was angry about nothing. As it turns out, father has been hand-picking me friends, and storing them in the “forbidden” room in the basement. He does it at night when he thinks I am asleep. By my count, he has already chosen nine boys my age. He must be planning a big surprise, because he hasn’t said anything about them. He is really good at keeping secrets.

I can’t wait for the big day, I only hope that it happens soon, and that all the boys like me; I have never had friends before.

Okay, I have to act like I am asleep now, or he will not be able to go tonight….

I love you dad!


linda may said...

Ohhh scary! Poor little kid doesn't know any better, but he has to depend on the only available adult there is in his life.
They should castrate people like that!

Andy Sewina said...

Hi AOTI, This is a great little story - the forbidden room.. Phew!

Anonymous said...

What a disturbing story

quin browne said...

ahahahaha! "he is really good at keeping secrets".. i can easily imagine the look of joy on the face of the writer, knowing there will be friends!!

Anonymous said...

This is a bit disturbing... Utah? Switzerland?

Quill Feather said...

This is very clever. Short, punchy and disturbing.