Monday, October 27, 2008

Sunday Scribblings

This week's theme is bragging.

I am a master of masking the truth of the situation. Pain is hidden
behind toothy smiles; failure, canned statements of positivity;
destruction, shoulder shrugs; embarrassment, self-ridicule; hatred,
baseless compliments; attraction, outward indifference; etc. The key
to my existence is to be the same thing to the same people everyday,
regardless of the cost and/or consequence. It saves me from having to
explain my daily ebbs and flows to those I would rather avoid. I am
the definition of even keeled.


Rinkly Rimes said...

So long as you FEEL you're on an even keel I'm sure you are. Anyway, you sound interesting as you are!

Head Cookie said...

Consistency is key to most things. You seem to know how to do that great post.

Rob Kistner said...

having to explain one's self can be an exhausting, often impossible undertaking. I understand your being wary of the prospect... ;)

quin browne said...

i am too, with enough valium. good words, as always


Anonymous said...

Discipline - a scary word, but a necessary imposition.