Monday, December 8, 2008

Sunday (or more appropriately in this instance, Monday) Scribbling

This week’s word is Tradition

Failure, deceit, broken promises, aloofness and physical ailments, the markings of an existence not yet complete. Since birth, he has experienced, known, digested, and accepted the same as his fate. There was a struggle once, a fight against the inevitable, but he is, if nothing else, the product of his upbringing. No amount of classes, lectures, broken hearts, devastation and false starts could break him free of the cycle of his lineage. They are, as much as anything, his birthright. The positive is that he is the embodiment of the tradition laid out prior to his conception.


quin browne said...

read, walked and digested.

and jealous.

Anonymous said...

I'm an idiot; i just got the John Donne island reference...

..what a year its been; am very glad for this blog..
