Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sunday Scribblings

This week’s phrase was/is “I knew instantly;” a list seemed to be in order:

I knew instantly . . . that the words, my words, would be the escape from the world that I could not comprehend.

I knew instantly . . . that you would leave me a trampled shell of the person I was before walking into that class.

I knew instantly . . . that I could withstand more pain, suffering and agony than most boys of that age.

I knew instantly . . . that my departure was more than a step towards freedom.

I knew instantly . . . that something would get fucked up by my temporary assignment away from you.

I knew instantly . . . that being in your presence would lift the weight that had been crushing me since birth.

I knew instantly . . . that I was a nomad.

I knew instantly . . . that I would owe you my life.

I knew instantly . . . that I would eventually come to hate you, and you me.

I knew instantly . . . that I had made a horrible mistake by not going to medical school.

I knew instantly . . . that I was not as good a person as were you.

I knew instantly . . . that your death would haunt me into adulthood.

I knew instantly . . . that my performance would never match my credentials.

I knew instantly . . . that you would not be the one that got away, regardless of the cost.

What I did not know was that I would be a thirty something adult caught in the endless struggle to be happy.


gautami tripathy said...

I like the reflective tone.

I knew instantly

Roan said...

I started to make a list and then got carried away with a story. I like your list. Makes one think. Well written!

paisley said...

I knew instantly . . . that the words, my words, would be the escape from the world that I could not comprehend.

i to believed that when i began to blog and was faceless and nameless that i could purge of all of my demons on the page...

today,, as i have been forced to reenter the world of therapists and psychiatrists,,, i no longer believe....

Tumblewords: said...

Life is a series of events, for sure... Nice post!

quin browne said...

you make me cry far too often... you are brilliant.

floreta said...

i like this list/poem. and aren't we all caught in the struggle? keep searching.. the answers are within.