Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Thousand Years

This week's phrase is “A Thousand Years”: This week, the one containing the anniversary of your death, is tougher than all others. I know why, from a logical perspective, but it confuses me nonetheless. It is not as if I miss you more today than last Monday, but the pain is worse, the dreams more visceral, and the failures present. It is as if I am preparing for your funeral again, and I was not ready the first time. People appeared to show their respects, and their love; the band played; beautiful words were spoken; it was lost on me. I know I said something, what it was I do not recall, but words came from my lips. I knew they did not mean much to you, as they came too late for you to appreciate the love I had for you, and you were gone. All I have to give now is the knowledge that I will never let the memory of you pass, nor will I let the generations that follow forget you. For a thousand years or more, your name will ring out with the legacy you left. Good night my baby brother.


Old Egg said...

This brave and poignant post is a timely reminder to say I love you and to show it; not one day, not tomorrow but right now. It doesn't hurt at all.

erer said...

I'm sorry for your loss. I hope he can read this. I'm sure he misses you too.

Altonian said...

A touching and sad testimonial to a lost brother. This hits the heart.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Alt on this. You hit the essence of sorrow, of regret after losing a loved one.

Saroyan said that people live on in stories told about them after their death. If this is true, you just gave many people a spark of your brother. Bless you.

Amy Barlow Liberatore

Dee Martin said...

funerals are the oddest things. I have been to too many myself so this resonated. Hugs.

alphawoman said...

Beautiful sad post.

Pari said...

I hope its fiction!! very well written!