Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Darkness is not my friend

My entire building has been without power since Sunday. I thought it was because of the storms – which have been violent here for the past couple of days – but grew suspicious when I noticed others in the surrounding buildings enjoying their gloriously illuminated apartments. I attempted to corner a building security guard in an effort to question him about the problem, but he proved to be more evasive than I had assumed a man of his size could be. Finally, yesterday evening at 9:15p.m., a handwritten sign appeared at the buildings entrance which states the following:

An electric break down in the primary cable to the main switch of the condominium has left us without electricity until at least April 30.

Mr. X electric expert is current absent, but will be working on the repairs upon his return.

Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

I am not feeling confident that our power will be back on by the 30th, are you? Besides my uneasiness about this explanation, there are a number of things that are bothering me: (1) what the hell is a “break down in the primary cable”, is that a fancy way of saying the damn cable broke? Don’t sugarcoat it, if it broke it broke; (2) is Mr. X seriously the only man of the whole fucking island who can fix the “break down”? I know it is a small place, but this if absurd; and (3) I love how they assume this whole incident may or may not be an inconvenience – sure, besides the fact that everything in my freezer has now spoiled (my fridge stopped working long ago, so no need to fret about that), I can not cook, have no hot water, can not see a damn thing, and am now living in a hot box, everything is peachy, no problems here!

All that being said, I realize that the building is not trying to be without power, so I am not blaming them per se, but still, this is ridiculous for so many reasons.

Monday, April 28, 2008


He can taste freedom in the salt laden air, but remains bound by obligation. Each and every weekday he pulls his exertion ready body out of bed only to plant it firmly behind a sea of paper and computers. He watches the hours tick by, and wonders -- often aloud -- how it came to this. How does a man who spends every waking hour contemplating different ways to physically exert himself end up motionlessly locked behind a desk? The simple act of rising for coffee is an exciting experience – at least movement is a component. It kills him to wish his days away, but Monday through Friday is a chore, and he wants nothing more than to see them pass. To most, a year consists of 365 days; he sees only 104 – the days he can break free and enjoy life the only way he knows how.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What more can you ask for?

I strongly question my ability to be unhappy, angry, depressed, or lonely when I can wake up, walk onto my patio and meet this sight head on. This right here is all I ever dreamed about as a child, yet I let it go largely unnoticed. Having spent the last two days hunkered down out here, just watching and listening, I have resolved to not let this be another thing I sought, but failed to appreciate once obtained.

Now if I could only convince my wife, the girls, best friend and a few other hanger-ons to move here, life would be perfect.

Monday, April 21, 2008

One bite at a time...

While not sexy, I thought I would share with you my food consumption between Saturday morning at 3:45 a.m. and Sunday night at 9:23 p.m. – the official start and end to my weekend.

Before launching in, I believe a foundation is necessary (otherwise the below just seems weird). I run a lot. For example, I have run roughly 840 miles so far this year – not an incredible amount, but enough to keep me hungry. More specifically, this weekend, between my Saturday and Sunday morning runs, I logged 55 miles; as you can imagine, I am a walking stomach. Now that you understand where I am coming from, below is what I can remember from my eating frenzy:

4 – pieces of cinnamon raisin toast (“CRT”);

5 – peanut-butter and jelly sandwiches on CRT;

1 – medium size-jar of crunchy peanut butter (this includes the PBJ’s, but finished the remaining off with a spoon);

2 – packages of swiss-cheese eaten with multigrain crackers;

9 – Quaker chewy granola bars (6 of which were eaten while running);

3 – power-gels (all of which were taken while running);

3 – Annie’s vegetarian burritos (rice and beans; rice, beans, and cheese; beans and vegetable);

1 – three servings of rice, one bunch of bok choy and a block of extra firm tofu;

1 – brunch buffet consisting of two helping of scrambled eggs, toast with nutella, three fruit bowls, third of a ring of brie, a cup of three-bean medley, and four glasses of orange juice;

1 – bowl of ice cream;

1 – can of tomato soup with spaghetti noodles and grilled cheese sandwich;

1 – Snickers bar;

1 – dove dark chocolate bar;

1 – bag of pretzel ropes;

1 – bag of sugar-coated vanilla wafers;

1 – bag trail mix;

1 – Nestle chocolate milk;

1 – trip to Costco during sample hour;

2 – protein drinks;

4 – Gatorades;

4 – Vitamin Waters;

1 – 20oz Pepsi (drank while running);

2 – beers;

? – cups of coffee;

? – gallons of water.

Notwithstanding, I am two pound lighter today that I was on Saturday morning.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Hi mom!

The communications have once again ceased. Last time, I actually questioned the reason for the silence, and racked my brain for anything I may have said or done that would have offended them into muteness. This time, however, I can safely aver that they are just too lazy to pick up the phone and check on their son.

Monday, April 14, 2008

I am all blocked up

I have a vicious case of writer’s block, so am going to just scribble a few things out, sorry.

Yesterday, as I crested a tortuous hill during the first half of my run, I came face to face with a sunrise that was just beginning to peak through the clouds, and over an old military fort on the Island. That sight, coupled with the song The End from the Man on Fire soundtrack, brought me to tears. It was the closest thing to a spiritual moment I have had in years; I hope that moment never leaves me.

She is forty, but is a social child. Every time I talk with her, I regret it. Either she makes a sexually suggestive comment about me in front of others, or questions my every word. If it were socially acceptable, I would tie her to a pole and throw tacks at her throughout the day.

We added two new members to our family this weekend – the boys (http://aloneontheisle.blogspot.com/2008/01/confessions.html), as you can imagine, are beside themselves with excitement.

My fateful bowl of Raisin Bran Crunch (see post below) not only cost me $700 in dental bills, but will rob me of two hours of my life ever Friday for the next three weeks. That being said, I feel compelled to admit that I have forgiven RBC – and am once again enjoying its crunchy, yet sweet, delightfulness.

I find that I am an “honest” writer when I am too tired to self-edit – If I am cognizant of my words, I fear that I will hurt others, and therefore refrain. Is there a fix, or am I doomed to sleepless nights?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

10 a.m. dentist appointment, a fucked up way to start a Friday

My tooth broke today. It snapped in half while I was eating a cup of Raisin Bran Crunch. It is my favorite cereal. I said yesterday that my age had not yet caught up with me. This was not the confirmation I was looking for.

Just curious

I wonder if your daily mishaps -- despite your Ivy League education -- are as frustrating to you as they are humorous to me.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Random thoughts

Here are a few things I have been thinking about over the past few weeks. As you can tell, there is neither rhyme nor reason to the following, simply things I have been thinking about.

I am afraid that the two best political candidates we have seen in many years are going to so damage each other that neither will recover. I hope I am wrong.

I do not miss drinking, but I crave socializing with people my age, and cannot figure out how to do that outside of bars (and I am not a look but don’t touch kind of guy).

I look ridiculous in short running shorts. Some people can pull is off – I am not one of them. I am tall, hairy, and nearly transparent in the high thigh area – the public should be spared.

As important as I would like to think I am at my job, I could be replaced within 48 hours, and my office would not skip a beat.

Sometime I wish they would test my 48 hour theory.

I am where cell phones go to die.

In my opinion, the Supreme Court is moving scarily to the right; if something doesn’t change, and quick, drastic changes are on the horizon.

I question seriously the level of drivers training on this island.

The daily loving touch of another human being is grossly underrated. I know, I long for it constantly (and I am not talking about sex).

Does it look like John McCain has aged dramatically since the start of the Presidential campaign? In all honesty, if he dropped dead tomorrow I would not be shocked.

On April 13th, you will spend your 30th birthday in a foreign land, I will not be there, and it is killing me.

Toenails serve no good purpose; as I have proven repeatedly, you can function normally without them.

I try not to admit it – because there is no real end in sight – but I am tired of running, and just want to take one full week off.

And finally, while I have not written part III to The Devil yet, I have been thinking about it constantly.