Friday, December 28, 2007


My parents are capable of having a Christmas that does not involve tears, and, like so many other important events in my family’s existence, I missed it. I am resentful of God, and find prayer an exercise in futility. Singing in the car drives me crazy. My parents-in-law are better people than I give them credit for. Anthropologists scare me. The holidays bring out the worst in me. I miss my brother. My sister needs to speak to someone who knows what they are talking about, and my family and I are not the answer. I am overly argumentative. Sister-in-laws boyfriend is a solid man and would be a fantastic addition to the family. A sense of family pride is invaluable, and too often overlooked. I can go months without drinking, unless told I am not allowed to do so. I lack control around food. Regardless of how we feel about the war, the men and women spending these days overseas deserve our utmost respect. And last, but not least, this Country is ready for either a President of color, or of a different gender. Happy holidays!

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