Friday, October 22, 2010


I am a runner. I am blind without corrective measures. Why I would decide to do the former with out the latter is beyond me. I, however, being the brain dead moron I often am, decided it would be a fantastic idea to go for a jaunt with out my contacts or glasses. It did not go well.

I should have known the end result when I noticed that the lights in the distance looked like fireworks exploding in the night. I pushed on. I never saw the curb end, but I sure did feel it. I recovered from my stumble with only a few choice words and staggered on. I have no clue where the cement post came from, I have never seen it before, and am convinced that it was erected today. I thought of turning back, but I am Irish, so I refused to accept the obvious, and continued. The last straw came when I ran down a smallish woman who tried, in a moment of shocking realization, to dodge left. . . .that was my reaction as well.

I am a runner. I am blind without corrective measures. I know now that I cannot skip the latter while doing the former.

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