Friday, September 10, 2010

Time changes everything

I started this thing three years ago today. I did so with no preconceived notion of what it would be, what it would become, or what it said about me. I did it, as I said at the start, because I had an abundance of free time, a computer and an internet connection. Over time, it became a way for me to explore the past, the deeper parts of my soul, the pain that cripples me and the stories/characters that were begging to be set free. During said time, I have moved twice, changed jobs once, run more miles than my body cares to admit and acquired friends and loved ones on my lonely island. It is fair to say that I am not close to the person I was when I started. While I still have the computer, albeit a different one and a new internet service provider, I no longer have the free time to do this. Nonetheless, I continue to return as often as possible, not because I have nothing better to do, but because it has become a way for me to express myself in a way I never found possible in my everyday. Things written in these posts are the most painful, happiest, and craziest things that cross my mind; things I do not feel free to express. Some are about real people, pain, love and loss; others are pure imagination, often inspired by things I see, hear or read about. Regardless of their source, the feelings in each of these posts is real, all-consuming and exhausting. I have not yet learned how to distance myself from this, that, and the stories they create. And, as I am sure the few readers that I have have noticed, I tend toward the dark, hateful and melancholy. Despite my best efforts, the happiness of this existence, which I am capable of expressing in the real world, does not translate well to this forum. I am, by and large, a happy person. I see the inherent good in people, strive to make those around me better, and will do almost anything to make someone laugh. And while I often write about the joy I receive in watching others fail, it is not me. I want all to succeed, to get all they ever desire, and to enjoy the beauty of the accomplishment. It inspires me to be better.

If you continue to read, which I do not blame you for stopping, I intend to turn this blog into something different. Instead of a collection of off the cuff pieces, which tend to meld into each other, I am going to try and craft short stories, inspired by the things I see in my world. They will most likely not be good, but it is structure, and I need that in my life. I would appreciate your comments, thoughts, and suggestions, for that is the only way I will grow. I understand completely that they will not be all that different, but I am trying, so stick with me.

1 comment:

Editor said...

Hey, i just started blogging so it was nice to read your reflections on when you started blogging. I will definitely see where your going to be taking your blog. follow me at