Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sunday Scribblings (Bright Idea)

This week's word/phrase is Bright Idea: You could feel the beat . . . thump, thump, thump; the glow sticks danced in sync with the chaos; she pumped in and out of sight. I concentrated, aided by the powders, pills and caffeine of a night off the grid. Shirt off, sweat dripping, teeth grinding, movement chaotic, but focused. She was my prey, I was her gyrating predator. My frustration, sense of anticipation, and arousal heightened with each passing moment. But no matter how hard I tried, I could not get her to come into focus, to stop, to let me feast. I knew I would love her in the light of day, but day it was not. If only the sun would rise, I was convinced that she would see my chiseled body, drugged out smile, raging libido, know my desire, and match my rhythmic wiggle. In a moment of clarity, or insanity, I saddled up to the curtains, lit them ablaze with my cigarette, and waited for her to observe me in full light. A bright idea it may not have been, but it was an idea, and it brightened the room, mission accomplished.


Jae Rose said...

What a power-packed story..There was so much in there and it left me with some great imagery and lots of questions about who these people are..the last line and the bright idea quip was such a strong exit..Jae

Anonymous said...

Was that tongue in cheek? That's how it read to me, lol. Loved it, especially the burning curtains!
Here from Sunday Scribblings.